Merry Christmas, Germany: more than 30 Christian monuments defiled over the last month and more than 2800 churches vandalized in 2016

It was "crude fun", claims one of the few mainstream sources covering the latest wave of attacks, which occurred around the town of Dülmen:

That headline, of course, implies that there is no connection between the attacks in Dülmen and religious intolerance or socio-political religious objectives.

But, as Germany's Catholic news network reports, police suspect a religious motive behind the attacks ("Die Polizei vermutet einen religiösen Hintergrund):

Unless the "religious motive" is atheism, it is time to address the elephant in the room as the culprit: religious intolerance, or the socio-political religious objectives, of a certain part of Germany's population belonging to a rival religion.

In response to the defacement of Christian relics in Dülmen, the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), which is the ruling party across most of Germany and the region, had nothing to say:

That makes over 2800 incidents of church vandalism that the CDU has failed to address directly this year, including the attack below:

On the other hand, the CDU - in particular, the CDU in Dülmen - has explicitly condemned the defacement of property with negative messages about Muslim migrants, stating that resentment towards migrants has no place in society ("Ressentiments gegenüber Flüchtlingen haben keinen Platz in unserer Gesellschaft"):

One billboard advertising the CDU had been modified say "together strong for our illegals" ("Gemeinsam stark für unsere Illegale"), which is obviously in reference to the CDU fighting for the interests of the illegal immigration population, and nobody else.

The headline of the article say that two political parties want to take action against vandals (Zwei Parteien gehen jetzt gegen Vandalen vor). But, based on the failure of this parties to address the desecration of churches, it is clear which vandalism they do not care about. It is also clear which they do care about: that which tells the truth to the people about what these parties stand for.